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How to be a tramping team leader

The guidelines below could be helpful especially if you are a first-timer in this role.


​The leader also needs to organise a van mover if one is required. The process described above can be followed. If you need help with the location of a tramp, the club captain or trip coordinator can assist with details and instructions and possibly a map. Check the club website as often the tramp is described here in printable format, together with an appropriate map.

Check the weather forecast for a few days beforehand and on the day of the tramp. ( If weather is doubtful for the programmed tramp, it’s useful to have an alternative planned. Advise the club captain, the trip coordinator and the tramp participants of any proposed change or cancellation.

Fitness Levels

If you feel someone is not fit enough for your tramp* or does not appear to have the right clothing or equipment, you can refuse to take them after advising your reasons. This scenario can usually be avoided by asking questions when the person books in and you are not sure of their ability or experience.

Advise new people to bring dry clothing and clean footwear for the journey home in the van.

Change of plans

If a tramp is changed on the morning of the trip, advise the club captain or any committee member – this is so someone knows where you and the van are likely to be in case of an emergency.

The van carries twelve people. If you are willing to lead more than twelve, advise the extra person(s) they will need to bring a car(s). Car passengers pay the car driver, usually the same as the van rate.

Due process

Open up the van, and check that all seems in order. Record names in the passenger log book, enter current mileage in the log book, check all participants have the correct gear, and that they know one another, and introduce new people to the group. Depart at the appointed time (anyone late misses the bus). At the tramp location leave the passenger log book with names recorded for the day open on the dashboard for Search and Rescue purposes; including car passengers.

Take the PLB and one set of van keys with you; give the other set of keys to someone else in the group. If, for any reason, there are two groups, either planned in the programme or approved by you (e.g. a fast/slow group), both should have a set of keys. Appoint an experienced person at the rear and if there are two groups both should have an appointed leader and person at the back. Ensure van keys and PLB are passed on to the next trip leader.

*If unable to lead, you will need to find someone else to do this. Suggestions are: ask around the club; ask the secretary to send out an email calling for a volunteer; contact the club captain if unsuccessful in obtaining another leader. If successful, contact the secretary if you want an email circulated advising members to book with the new leader. Advise the change to the club captain and the trip coordinator.

Taranaki, Around The Mountain Circuit, Egmont National Park, New Zealand