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Join The Club

We tramp twice a week on Wednesdays and Thursdays, with the occasional weekend or multiday tramp, both in the Central North Island and throughout New Zealand.

Annual Memberships –

Our annual subscription is very affordable at $35 for a single subscription and $45 for a couple or family membership.

Payments –

Can be made by on line banking or to bank:
Account number: 03 0430 0250309 00
Label transaction TTC Sub and include your surname.

Introduction Tramps –

Intending new members must complete one or two tramps with the club before applying for membership.

Fill out the application form and the club secretary will be in touch. –
By providing your email address, you agree to receiving club notices from the secretary, as well as information from organisations the club is affiliated to, e.g. Federated Mountain Clubs, Project Tongariro and Greening Taupo. Your email address will also be published in the membership list sent to all current members each year. If you do not wish your email address to appear in this list, please advise the secretary.


Taranaki, Around The Mountain Circuit, Egmont National Park, New Zealand