37.68 km
14h 05min
ND meters
Trip Grading
Start Point
Easting: 1772618
Northing: 5658753
A thought provoking tramp of two nights and three days through the area settled after World War 1 by returning soldiers who were allocated the land as a reward for their efforts. The route encompasses the Wanganui and Mangapurua River valleys with the settlements being in the latter from 1917 until 1942 when the last settler left the area. The thought provoking comes from thinking about what the area would be like nowadays if the settlement had succeeded and the reasons why some of the meadows are still totally grass covered and have not been invaded by bush and tree species – it is assumed that the local population of goats and deer keep these original meadows well grazed. The history and social aspects of the area are well documented in the “Historical Map of The Mangapurua Valley and Wanganui Valley” published by the “Four Friends Trust” via the Wanganui Tramping Club, PO Box 678 Wanganui. The DOC “Mangapurua Track” leaflet is another good source of information. The drive from Taupo to Whakahoro takes about 2:30 minutes, the jet-boat trip down the Wanganui River to Mangapurua Landing takes 1:30 minutes (about NZ$140) and the walk back to Whakahoro is comfortably done in three days with the sites of the original holdings marked by signboards with family names and the odd artifact such as gates and ploughs. Some remnants of the houses still exist on the sites designated as campsites. The track up to the actual Bridge from the Mangapurua Landing is well manicured and heavily used by day trippers, after this it is still good but less well maintained. Day 2 track gets a bit muddy in wet weather, offers no hazards but there is a climb of about 1:30 – 2hrs to reach Mangapurua Trig. The track on day 3 is not so good due to some parts being carved up by quad bikes (hunters) and there are some “shelf-like” sections through some very steep hilly terrain as well. The final part of the walk is on undulating, gravel road where the feet burn up on hot days.
Day 1. 11.93km, 4h 05min
Day 2. 13.79km, 6h 30min
Day 3. 11.96km, 4h 30min
Last updated Feb 2007
We don't have any past trips at the moment.