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Distance 11.7 km Duration 5h 40min in, 6h 05 min back Ascent 520 in 600 back meters Length Multi-Day Location Waikato Trip Grading Moderate
Start Point Easting: 1872220 Northing: 5679778

This is a moderate overnight tramp of about 12km each way which offers endless opportunities to have out and back day tramps to suit time and fitness level. There some pretty steep slopes and an overall altitude range of over 525m through dense native forest. The track is quite well marked with “orange” reflective triangles, though largely un-maintained and care has to be taken, especially on wet days, as the many exposed roots can be lethal to the unwary. Views are not a big feature though there is a good waterfall within a gorge plus a glimpse of Lake Taupo for the observant. Total walk time into Cascade Hut including breaks is 5 – 6 hours though for the young and fit this can be reduced somewhat. The hut has 6 bunks, internal sink and water supply plus a wood / coal burner. The return trip is no quicker than inwards as it is a pretty hefty grunt back up from the Tauranga Taupo River.

Last updated Aug 2014


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