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Distance 21.60 km Duration 6 hrs 33 min Ascent 780 meters Length Single-Day Location Bay of Plenty Trip Grading Moderate
Start Point Easting: 1900497 Northing: 5782541

A long tramp of 22km requiring 6 – 7 hours with three noticeable uphill sections where an overall ascent of nearly 900m faces you. Distance-wise this is a moderate + walk but there are no tricky or technical bits and the whole way is on a well formed, wide track that must have been a road in the past and is now a MTB cycleway. Take someone along to talk to as there are no views as such, apart from ferns and trees, though there is a glimpse of Lake Okataina at one point. Variations can be as short as 16km, read the PDF description!

Last Updated August 2015


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