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Distance 6.8 km Duration 2 hrs 55mins Ascent +/-300 meters Length Single-Day Location Waikato Trip Grading Easy
Start Point Easting: 1843370 Northing: 5662950

A very pleasant A to B, or out-and-back, walk on good track through native bush and broadleaf forest. Starts from the car park for the Pillars, goes onto to the bridge to overlook the at Pillars of Hercules gorge then on to the road bridge over the gorge on Tree Trunk Gorge Road. There are two or three stream crossings so wet feet are possible and during wet weather the last crossing is not advisable as the stream is quite deep and can be swift flowing. If the final stream is crossed there are then two other worthwhile views – Tree Trunk Gorge itself and also the headrace tunnel for the local hydro scheme. Depending on the walk a driver can be required to move the transport.

Last Updated Sept 2018


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