Waikato Poronui to Te Iringa
A very serious long, hard walk through Poronui Station to stay overnight in Oamaru Hut. Exit via Kaipo River and Te Iringa track to Clements Mill Road
A very serious long, hard walk through Poronui Station to stay overnight in Oamaru Hut. Exit via Kaipo River and Te Iringa track to Clements Mill Road
A very serious long, hard walk through Poronui Station to stay overnight in Oamaru Hut. Exit via Kaipo River and Te Iringa track to Clements Mill Road
Day 1. 12.92kms 3 hrs 44 mins +/-100m
Day 2. 18.30kms 7 hrs 32 mins +/-550m
Start Point: Easting 1885457 Northing 5678251
We don't have any past trips at the moment.