Otago Routeburn Track
A moderate 2 nights and 3 days tramp which, though best done in good weather, can be tackled when Fiordland throws all the water it can at you. Day one comprises 11km of steady climb of 530metres
A moderate 2 nights and 3 days tramp which, though best done in good weather, can be tackled when Fiordland throws all the water it can at you. Day one comprises 11km of steady climb of 530metres
A moderate 2 nights and 3 days tramp which, though best done in good weather, can be tackled when Fiordland throws all the water it can at you. Day one comprises 11km of steady climb of 530metres through beech forest on a good track passing the Routeburn Flats Hut then up to the Routeburn Falls Hut . Overall on Day 2 the 5 hour / 11.6km walk leads to an overall loss of about 90metres with about 600metres of climbing to reach a high point of 1307metres over the Harris Saddle where there is a shelter hut which proves most welcome during inclement weather. The final few kilometres down to the Mackenzie Hut seems to take for ever. Day 3 does have some good scenery but all that was on show for the TTC were waterfalls – and they were magnificent, though it did mean getting wet. Overall this 11+ km day takes 4 hours with altitude dropping from just over 1000 to 544 metres at the Divide car park at the end. The Earland Falls in particular were spectacular to scary in volume and noise.
Day 1. 10.91kms 3 hrs 42 mins +/-500m
Day 2. 11.58kms 5 hours +/-550m
Day 3. 11.84kms 4 hours +/-250m
Last Updated Mar 2008
Start Point: Easting Northing
We don't have any past trips at the moment.