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Distance 51.67 km Duration 20.03 Ascent ND meters Length Multi-Day Location Bay of Plenty Trip Grading Moderate
Start Point Easting: 1953313 Northing: 5707633

The drive from Taupo takes roughly 3 hours covering 160km. The tramp takes 4 days with 3 nights in DOC Huts. Day 1 comprises easy walking for 3:40minutes (12.5km) from the start at the swing bridge just off SH38 to the Waiharuru Hut, quite new and very spacious. Day 2 is 8 hours long, Day 3 is a day of ascending whilst day 4 is basically downhill off the Panekiri Bluffs. This is a challenging walk on un-manicured footpaths so strength and skill is required, especially for some of the ascents and in areas where problems have been caused by windfalls. There is some really beautiful forest walking and the views of Lake Waikaremoana and the Panekiri Bluffs are outstanding. There are several minor day and part-day walks that can be tackled from the campground as part of the recovery process after this Great Walk.

Last updated 2006

Day 1: 12.47km 3h 40min
Day 2: 20.61km 8h 23min
DAY 3: 8.24km 4h 20min
Day 4: 10.35km 4h 20min


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