Waikato Waipakihi Valley
An easy, if somewhat wet, tramp of 4 – 5 hours up the Waipakihi River and back.
An easy, if somewhat wet, tramp of 4 – 5 hours up the Waipakihi River and back.
An easy, if somewhat wet, tramp of 4 – 5 hours up the Waipakihi River and back. The walk is wet because there are about 14 river crossings to be tackled. This number increases the further the tramp is extended. There is a track in many places though it is not too distinct but walk direction is relatively simple as it follows the river. The access from the Desert Highway plus GPS track of the walk can be seen on the map. There is an altitude loss of just over 50 metres from the car park down to the first river crossing then a gradual gain of the same amount walking up the valley to the point reached on this outing. Total walk distance inwards, as mapped, is 7.5km (GPS) giving just over 15 km for the round trip.
Last update March 2009
Start Point: Easting 1839804 Northing 5653694
We don't have any past trips at the moment.