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Distance 14.15 km Duration 6h 22min Ascent ND meters Length Single-Day Location Bay of Plenty Trip Grading Fit

It takes almost 2 hours to drive from Taupo to the car park at the end of Te Tuhi Road via Matamata to the start. The walk is best described as a hard grunt uphill followed by a moderate undulating walk through superb broad-leafed, mainly beech, forest followed by a knee trembling descent back down to the car park at the end of Goodwin Road. On the way there are fantastic views from above Wairere Falls plus great views of the falls. The descent can be made “exciting” if the old Maori Trail down is followed – not recommended for the wary or unfit.

Last updated Aug 2007

Start Point: Easting 1852813 Northing 5815171

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