Wellington Southern Crossing
This is a monster and falls in the “Fit” category of tramp with three pretty long days and a 1,500m ascent the first day up to Kime Hut.
This is a monster and falls in the “Fit” category of tramp with three pretty long days and a 1,500m ascent the first day up to Kime Hut.
This is a monster and falls in the “Fit” category of tramp with three pretty long days and a 1,500m ascent the first day up to Kime Hut. Day 2 is all high level walking reaching over 1,500m at Mt Hector then traversing many very narrow ridges descending to Alpha Hut. The exit route was not via the normal track down Marchant Ridge but the shorter, but possibly harder, Bull Mound Track via Cone Hut to the car park at the northern end of Waiohine Gorge Road. In total some 31km were walked, ascending over 2,500m in just on twenty one and a half hours. The scary thing is that the mountain runners do the whole thing, via Marchant Ridge, in less than 5 hours!
Day 1. 11.2km 7 hrs 10 mins 1498m
Day 2. 8.1kms 5 hrs 41 mins 456m
Day 3. 11.7kms 8 hrs 36 mins 601m
Last Updated Feb 2013
We don't have any past trips at the moment.